sourcery_test_m.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~sourcery_test_m.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~sourcery_test_m.f90 sourcery_test_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_test_result_m.f90 sourcery_test_result_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_test_m.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_test_result_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_string_m.f90 sourcery_string_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_test_result_m.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_string_m.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~sourcery_test_m.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~sourcery_test_m.f90 sourcery_test_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_m.f90 sourcery_m.F90 sourcefile~sourcery_m.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_test_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_test_s.f90 sourcery_test_s.F90 sourcefile~sourcery_test_s.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_test_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_string_s.f90 sourcery_string_s.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_string_s.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_m.f90

Source Code

module sourcery_test_m
  !! Define an abstract test_t type with deferred bindings ("subject" and "results")
  !! used by a type-bound procedure ("report") for reporting test results.  The "report"
  !! procedure thus represents an implementation of the Template Method pattern.
  use sourcery_test_result_m, only : test_result_t
  implicit none

  public :: test_t, test_description_substring

  character(len=:), allocatable, protected :: test_description_substring

  type, abstract :: test_t
    !! Facilitate testing and test reporting
    procedure(subject_interface), nopass, deferred :: subject 
    procedure(results_interface), nopass, deferred :: results
    procedure :: report
  end type

  abstract interface

    pure function subject_interface() result(specimen)
      !! The result is the name of the test specimen (the subject of testing)
      character(len=:), allocatable :: specimen
    end function

    function results_interface() result(test_results)
      !! The result is an array of test results for subsequent reporting in the "report" type-bound procedure
      import test_result_t
      type(test_result_t), allocatable :: test_results(:)
    end function

  end interface


    module subroutine report(test, passes, tests)
      !! Print the test results and increment the tallies of passing tests and total tests
      implicit none
      class(test_t), intent(in) :: test
      integer, intent(inout) :: passes, tests
    end subroutine

  end interface

end module sourcery_test_m