Derived Types

bin_t sourcery_bin_m None

encapsulate a range of item numbers associated with a bin

co_object sourcery_co_object_m None
command_line_t sourcery_command_line_m None
data_partition_t sourcery_data_partition_m None

encapsulate a description of the data subset the executing image owns

file_t sourcery_file_m None
object_t sourcery_object_m None

A b s t r a c t

t y p e

t o

e n s u r e

a l l

o b j e c t s

e x t e n d i n g

i t

i m p l e m e n t

t h e

r e q u i r e d

m e t h o d s

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oracle_t sourcery_oracle_m object_t

define procedures for testing output values against expected values

string_t sourcery_string_m characterizable_t
test_description_t sourcery_test_description_m None

Encapsulate test descriptions and test-functions

test_result_t sourcery_test_result_m None

Encapsulate test descriptions and outcomes

test_t sourcery_test_m None

Facilitate testing and test reporting

units sourcery_units_m None

Morfeus universal base type for all units

vector_function_strategy_t sourcery_vector_test_description_m None
vector_test_description_t sourcery_vector_test_description_m None

Encapsulate test descriptions and vector-valued test functions

type~~graph~~TypeGraph type~bin_t bin_t type~co_object co_object type~command_line_t command_line_t type~data_partition_t data_partition_t type~data_partition_t->type~bin_t bin type~file_t file_t type~string_t string_t type~file_t->type~string_t lines_ type~object_t object_t type~oracle_t oracle_t type~oracle_t->type~object_t characterizable_t characterizable_t type~string_t->characterizable_t type~test_description_t test_description_t type~test_description_t->type~string_t description_ type~test_result_t test_result_t type~test_result_t->type~string_t description_ type~test_t test_t type~units units type~vector_function_strategy_t vector_function_strategy_t type~vector_test_description_t vector_test_description_t type~vector_test_description_t->type~string_t description_vector_ type~vector_test_description_t->type~vector_function_strategy_t vector_function_strategy_