sourcery_oracle_m.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~sourcery_oracle_m.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~sourcery_oracle_m.f90 sourcery_oracle_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_object_m.f90 sourcery_object_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_oracle_m.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_object_m.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~sourcery_oracle_m.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~sourcery_oracle_m.f90 sourcery_oracle_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_m.f90 sourcery_m.F90 sourcefile~sourcery_m.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_oracle_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_oracle_s.f90 sourcery_oracle_s.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_oracle_s.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_oracle_m.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_string_s.f90 sourcery_string_s.f90 sourcefile~sourcery_string_s.f90->sourcefile~sourcery_m.f90

Source Code

module sourcery_oracle_m
  !! verify actual output against expected
  use sourcery_object_m, only : object_t
  implicit none

  public :: oracle_t

  type, abstract, extends(object_t) :: oracle_t
    !! define procedures for testing output values against expected values
    procedure(subtract_interface), deferred :: subtract
    procedure(norm_interface), deferred :: norm
    generic :: operator(-) => subtract
    procedure :: within_tolerance
  end type

  abstract interface

    function subtract_interface(self, rhs) result(difference)
      !! result has components corresponding to subtracting rhs's components fron self object's components
      import oracle_t
      implicit none
      class(oracle_t), intent(in) :: self, rhs
      class(oracle_t), allocatable :: difference
    end function

    pure function norm_interface(self) result(norm_of_self)
      !! result is a norm of the array formed by concatenating the real components of self object
      import oracle_t
      implicit none
      class(oracle_t), intent(in) :: self
      real norm_of_self
    end function

  end interface


    module function within_tolerance(self, reference, tolerance) result(in_tolerance)
      !! template method with true result iff the difference in state vectors (self - reference) has a norm within tolerance
      !! (impure because of internal call to 'subtract' binding)
      !! The existence of self procedure eliminates the need to rewrite similar code for every oracle child type.
      implicit none
      class(oracle_t), intent(in) :: self, reference
      real, intent(in) :: tolerance
      logical in_tolerance
    end function

  end interface

end module