matptr Derived Type

type, public :: matptr

Element type for use in dynamically allocating arrays of material objects (TODO: Modernize by replacing matptr arrays with allocatable or assumed-shape arrays of material objects.)


type~~matptr~~InheritsGraph type~matptr matptr type~material material type~matptr->type~material mat

Inherited by

type~~matptr~~InheritedByGraph type~matptr matptr type~field field type~field->type~matptr mats type~scalar_field scalar_field type~scalar_field->type~field type~vector_field vector_field type~vector_field->type~field


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
type(material), public :: mat

Source Code

    TYPE matptr
      !! Element type for use in dynamically allocating arrays of material objects
      !! (TODO: Modernize by replacing matptr arrays with allocatable or assumed-shape arrays of material objects.)
        TYPE(material) :: mat
    END TYPE matptr